I know there has been a total lack of posts around here, especially any substantive posts. But hey, I'm in law school so I have very little time to do anything unless it is absolutely essential. Occasionally I post things to my Facebook profile, so those of you who know me can keep up with me better there.
I'm in finals mode again, which means that you can probably look forward to me posting some more law-related LOLCats. I have colleagues who insist on them now. I use them to help remember certain things for the exam. It's easier to remember a cute or funny picture with a caption than without the picture. At least that's what seems to work for me. I'm also involved in BLSA Trial Team and we basically have a month to prepare for the regional competition. The packet is an interesting one and I'm on the defense side. It's a criminal case with a modern twist involving search & seizure of information contained in an iPhone. Ought to be interesting...
Well, back to studying and keep an eye out for Con Law or Evidence LOLCats...
I love cats and I love the law. These are my personal thoughts on cats, life, law and everything in between.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Why We Love Susan Boyle...
If you haven't heard about Susan Boyle, then you need to watch this video of her performance on the Britain's Got Talent show:
Susan has inspired many people because of this performance. I like the way the audience and the judges' faces change expression after only a few seconds.
Not only does Susan remind us that we shouldn't judge people based on their looks, but she shows tremendous courage to get up in front of a fairly hostile crowd and do her best no matter what.
But I think she inspires us in another way as well. I'm sure many people have had an experience in life where people expected you to fall on your face or do poorly and instead you surprised them and even amazed them. I've had a few of those in my lifetime. But I haven't had that feeling in quite a while. Those experiences are some of the most wonderful and uplifting times that I can remember. Everyone should experience that feeling at least once. Susan has helped remind me what that feels like.
Susan has inspired many people because of this performance. I like the way the audience and the judges' faces change expression after only a few seconds.
Not only does Susan remind us that we shouldn't judge people based on their looks, but she shows tremendous courage to get up in front of a fairly hostile crowd and do her best no matter what.
But I think she inspires us in another way as well. I'm sure many people have had an experience in life where people expected you to fall on your face or do poorly and instead you surprised them and even amazed them. I've had a few of those in my lifetime. But I haven't had that feeling in quite a while. Those experiences are some of the most wonderful and uplifting times that I can remember. Everyone should experience that feeling at least once. Susan has helped remind me what that feels like.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Torts LOLCats
Kittehs r prone 2 attraktiv noosances

Battry & Assalt kittehs

Kittehs sumtimes involved in other intenshunal torts

Iz there a doodie & wat iz standurd of kare? Iz it teh reezonable kitteh standurd?

Breech & Lerned Paw (Hand) Risk/Yootilitee Test

Kawzashun (Butt-4 & Proksimut Kawz)



Miscellaneous Kittehs

Battry & Assalt kittehs

Kittehs sumtimes involved in other intenshunal torts

Iz there a doodie & wat iz standurd of kare? Iz it teh reezonable kitteh standurd?

Breech & Lerned Paw (Hand) Risk/Yootilitee Test

Kawzashun (Butt-4 & Proksimut Kawz)



Miscellaneous Kittehs

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