Wednesday, July 27, 2022

I’m Still Alive

A lot has happened since my last post. I lost my husband 2 years ago, there’s been a pandemic, and a lot of upheaval in the world. I’ve kept this blog around in case I felt like journaling again.  I may from time to time, who knows?  Since my husband’s untimely death (and why I have PTSD) I have found myself wanting to get closer to God and to make new friends, as many of the friends that were there in support when he passed are nowhere to be found anymore. I’ve drifted apart from others and recently made a new friend.  And while I do get out occasionally to church and I go see family in other states; I’m well aware we are still in a pandemic and I am still high risk, therefore I am not able to socialize at any sort of pre-pandemic level. Let me just tell you that grieving is hard but grieving during a pandemic is much harder.  Plus right now it does feel like the whole world is grieving. Everyone seems to have lost someone in the last 2 years, some to Covid, some to heart disease, cancer, etc.  What the world needs is more kindness and love and less division and hatred. I’m going to pray for that. That’s all for now.